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Thermal Conductivity Comparison

3 ring stands with rods of different metals.  The rods have balls attached by wax.  All three rods converge over a bunsen burner          Alternate apparatus - 4 rods attached around a ring.

Concept Overview:

1. Comparison of thermal conductivities of different metals (Copper, Iron and Steel)

2. Visualization of the thermal diffusivity of the 3 different rods

Lecturer Procedure

Step(s) to Follow Expected Result
Turn on the bunsen burner Balls will fall from the metals at different rates due to the differences in both thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity
Alternate Apparatus (Photo on the Right)

1. Turn on bunsen burner

2. Hold round center of apparatus over the flame

The ball on each prong will fall off at a different amount of time, depending on its material

The alternate apparatus takes more time; it is recommended that the set-up indicated in the photo on the left be used.

T: H - 014