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Set-up Instructions for L: GO - 3

Equipment Locations
Item Location
Long Rectangular Tank Set 8, Cabinet 3, Shelf 4
Small Mirror with Cord Attached
Green Laser rated for Continuous Use Set 5, Cabinet 2, Shelf 3
Ring Stand and Clamps  
Fluorescein Solution Beneath Lecture Bench

Set-up Instructions:

1. Wait until tank has been rolled into lecture hall to fill with solution.

2. Fill tank with just under 2 gallons.

3. Mirror should be laid such that the string is closest to the laser

4. Laser should be angled downward

5. Align tank on the bench such that the rubber stopper is just over the edge of the bench.

Tear-down Instructions:

1. Pull out the stopper and allow the liquid to collect into a bucket prior to rolling out of lecture hall.